10 Skin Care Tips for Men

Skin care menSkin care for Men

  • Wash your face regularly with a mild soap. Deo soaps could harm your charm of your skin.

  • Apply a sunscreen with SPF 15 on your face, when you venture outdoors.

  • Wash your face with skin cleanser and warm water twice a week.

  • You can use a skin toner to reduce the pores of your skin.

  • You can use a moisturizing body lotion enriched with aloe vera on your skin.

  • Splash your face with warm water before applying the shaving cream. Use cold water to rinse your face after the shave.

  • Cut down on fast food and Reduce your intake of alcohol.

  • Fruits and vegetables rich in anti oxidants are good for the skin.

  • Follow a regular exercise regimen.

  • Drink plenty of water to keep your skin hydrated.
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