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If you're going to be a stylish guy, there are certain things you just can't do. While the boundaries of acceptable fashion are far reaching, there are some men's fashion mistakes from which there is no recovery. Some of the things in this list are personal pet peeves of mine and some are well respected rules that have stood the test of time. Regardless, it's in your best interest to heed the advice I'm about to impart.
Socks with Sandals
This is a fashion no-go that should not even have to be mentioned. Whether you are wearing rainbow sandals or athletic sandals from Adidas, there's never a reason to put on socks. Sure, you might think it's a little bit cold outside to have bare feet exposed. In that case, put on some regular shoes and wait until summer to bust out the toe thongs.
Big Bad Designer Names
Wearing clothes by a designer brand or popular name brand is not a problem in itself. There's a reason why these guys are popular brands in men's fashion. The problem comes when guys want to display their designer names on their clothes as if they're a walking billboard. It's not attractive and nobody cares that your shirt was made by Tommy Hilfiger.
Loose Fitting and Tight Fitting Clothes
People wear each of these styles for different reasons, but both are equally offensive. You might think that loose clothes make you look and feel thinner, but you actually end up looking like a little kid who found his way into dad's closet. Tight clothes, on the other hand, are now being worn to show off muscles or send some sort of message. The only message I'm getting is that your medium shirt should have been a large.
Big, Ugly Shoes
Don't make the mistake of wearing those square-toed, ugly shoes that you got by with in the 1990s. Men's fashion has taken a happy turn down a lane that accentuates the classic look. You'll look better in your grandfather's old loafers than you will in those chunky toed shoes.
Choose Your Colors Wisely
I know it's tempting to buy some extravagant colors with all of the options out there right now, you have to choose your colors wisely. Not every color looks good on every person. Try to find colors that will bring out your eye color and compliment your body shape.
Men who follow these tips are sure to outshine their brethren who continue to make these mistakes. There's no reason why you can't be a trendsetter in men's fashion, but you won't get there by doing these fatal no-nos.