While MensXP has dedicated a lot of energy, research and plain ol’ common sense in stocking up its fashion and grooming larder, there are several fashion rules that we see our readers breaking. Mentioned below are 8 easily avoidable fashion errors. Read on to see how many have you broken today:
1) Cartoon wear – Though I am as big a fan of Disney as the next person, wearing Disney ties or shirts, will make you plain tacky. While we are on the topic, you would be wise to maintain a healthy distance from those cheesy and loud belt buckles.
2) Mismatching belt colours: A common fashion faux pas that Indian’s make is wearing belts that don’t match the colour of their shoes. Especially if you’re wearing dress shoes, make sure that not just the colour but the finish of the belt matches your shoes. So if your shoes are shiny and black, your belt should also be shiny and black.
3) Un-tucked dress shirts – Whoever told you that dress shirts needn’t be tucked in, was plain wrong or was referring to short-shirts. Shirts (dressy or formal), if they cover your backside should be tucked in. So if you dislike tucking in your evening wear, get your dress shirts altered by a couple of inches.
4) Bulky pockets: Big bulging pockets are an eyesore. If you’re wallet is creating that unsightly boil like bulge, clear it of all the useless receipts and old business cards. If you feel you need to hold on to them, I’m sure you can think of some other place to keep them. Invest in a slimmer wallet or use money clips for cash to save place.
5) Wearing colours that don’t suit your skin tone: You will look a lot smarter if the colour of your clothes complement your skin tone. If you fair then go light colours like soft pastels and if you’re dark wear brighter shades.
6) Comb overs: We all know you’re losing your hair, so you aren’t fooling anyone by combing your hair over your bald patch. A little breeze is all it will take to literally blow your cover. So accept the fact and shave it all off.
7) The buttoned-up straight jacket look – Fasten the top button, if your jacket has two buttons. Close the top and middle button, if your jacket has three. The rule of the thumb is never to fasten the bottom button.
8) Too much deo: Agreed you’re scared that your over active sweat glands may drive away potential partners. But excess cologne too won’t get you very far. If your cologne tends to lose its strength throughout the day, simply reply.